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Winning At B2B Influencer Marketing: Tools, Technologies, and Tactics

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Abigail BloomKing
Winning At B2B Influencer Marketing: Tools, Technologies, and Tactics

The concept of B2B influencer marketing has emerged as a game-changer. Traditionally seen as a tool for B2C businesses, influencer marketing has now found significant relevance in the B2B sector, particularly in enhancing lead quality and driving demand generation. 

This guide dissects the nuances of B2B influencer marketing, exploring how corporate marketers can leverage it to generate b2b leads and ensure they are high-quality and convert to pipeline and revenue.

What is B2B influencer marketing?

In B2B, influencer marketing leverages industry leaders, experts, or thought leaders to help promote your products or services. Unlike B2C influencer marketing, where the focus is often on reach and popularity, B2B influencer marketing emphasizes expertise, authority, and credibility.

Should you use a B2B influencer agency?  Book a free consultation here to see if this option is right for you.

Aspects of b2b influencer marketing to consider

  • Unlike consumer ads: This type of marketing isn't about quick sales or trendy posts. It's more about creating lasting relationships and sharing expert knowledge that businesses find valuable.
  • Choosing the right influencers: Working with well-known and respected influencers in your industry is essential. They help make your message trustworthy and relevant.
  • Who you're talking To: The aim is to catch the attention of people who decide to buy your products, not just the general public. The content here is more about valuable insights and less about entertainment.
  • Content used: In B2B, you'll see more educational stuff like informative articles, webinars, or reports. It's different from the usual fun or catchy content in ads aimed at regular consumers.
  • Measuring success: Here, you're looking at how good the leads are and how much the influencers help in the long run rather than just counting sales or likes.

What is the difference between B2B and B2C influencer marketing?

There's a big difference between B2B (Business-to-Business) and B2C (Business-to-Consumer) influencer marketing. While both aim to reach more people and get them interested in what you're selling, how they go about it and who they target can be different. 

In B2B, you're trying to catch the eye of other businesses using more professional and industry-focused methods. B2C is about reaching regular consumers and often involves more catchy and relatable content, often using celebrities. Let's dive into what differentiates these two and how they uniquely influence marketing.

  • Target audience: B2B marketing targets other businesses, focusing on decision-makers within companies. B2C marketing aims at the general public or specific consumer groups.
  • Type of influencers: In B2B, influencers are often industry experts, thought leaders, or professionals with a niche following. B2C influencers are usually celebrities or popular social media personalities with a large and diverse audience.
  • Content style: B2B content is more informational, detailed, and industry-specific, while B2C content is more about lifestyle, relatability, and entertainment.
  • Marketing goals: B2B influencer marketing aims for long-term relationships and lead generation, focusing on the quality of connections. B2C focuses more on immediate transactions and brand awareness.
  • Decision-making process: The decision-making journey in B2B is longer and more complex, involving multiple stakeholders. In B2C, purchasing decisions are often quicker and influenced by emotional factors.
  • Metrics for success: In B2B, lead quality, engagement with specialized content, and long-term ROI are measured. In B2C, success is often gauged by immediate sales numbers, viral reach, and follower growth.

What is the role of influencers in B2B marketing strategy?

Influencers in B2B help businesses connect with other businesses more meaningfully and credibly. By leveraging their expertise and credibility, B2B influencers can effectively communicate a brand's value to a specific professional audience. This helps not only build trust but also generate high-quality leads. Let's explore how influencers fit into the B2B marketing puzzle and why they're becoming an essential part of this strategy.

  • Building credibility: Influencers in the B2B space are often experts or thought leaders in their fields. Their endorsement can lend significant credibility to a brand or product, which is crucial for businesses looking to establish trust with other companies.
  • Targeted audience reach: B2B influencers typically have a niche, professional audience. This allows for more targeted and effective outreach, as the content reaches those most likely interested in the specific business offerings.
  • Content creation and thought leadership: Influencers often contribute valuable content like industry insights, trend analyses, and best practices. This type of content positions the influencer and the brand as thought leaders in their industry.
  • Networking and relationship building: Influencers can act as connectors, introducing businesses to potential partners, clients, and other industry players. This networking aspect is vital in B2B, where relationships often drive business.
  • Driving engagement and lead generation: By engaging their followers with relevant and insightful content, influencers can drive meaningful interactions, leading to higher-quality leads for the business.
  • Enhancing brand awareness and education: Influencers help educate the market about a brand's products or services, especially when introducing new or complex solutions.

How do you find B2B Influencers?

Finding the right influencers for your B2B marketing strategy is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but it's crucial for success. You're not just looking for anyone with a large following; you need influencers who are respected experts in your industry. 

These people speak the same language as your business clients and understand the market's ins and outs. The key is to find influencers who align with your brand values and can genuinely contribute to meaningful conversations in your industry. Let's explore the steps and strategies to locate and integrate these valuable influencers into your B2B marketing efforts.

  • Identify industry thought leaders: Look for well-regarded individuals with expertise and insights in your industry. These could be people who write influential articles, speak at industry conferences, or have a strong professional network.
  • Use social media listening tools: Tools like BuzzSumo or LinkedIn's search function can help you find influencers actively discussing topics relevant to your industry.
  • Analyze industry publications and forums: Look at who's contributing to leading industry publications or engaging in niche forums. Authors and active members often have influential power in their field.
  • Check competitor collaborations: See who your competitors or similar businesses are working with. This can give you an idea of who's already influencing in your space.
  • Leverage industry associations: Many industries have professional associations or groups. These can be great places to find influencers deeply involved in the industry.
  • Attend industry events and conferences: Networking at these events can help you identify potential influencers and start building relationships.
  • Prioritize relevance over reach: Remember, in B2B, the relevance of an influencer to your specific audience is often more important than their overall follower count.

What are some platforms for finding and vetting potential influencers?

It's about more than finding people with a ton of followers; you need to discover professionals with the trust and attention of your target business audience. Thankfully, several platforms and tools are designed to help you find and vet these potential influencers. They make it easier to sort through the noise and pinpoint the voices that matter in your industry. Let’s look at some key platforms to help you identify the influencers best suited to represent your brand and message.

  • LinkedIn: As a professional networking site, LinkedIn is ideal for finding B2B influencers. You can search for industry leaders, look at their connections, and assess their influence based on their activities and posts.
  • BuzzSumo: This tool is excellent for discovering influencers based on content performance and engagement. You can search by topic or industry to find individuals whose content resonates with audiences.
  • Traackr: Traackr is a platform designed for influencer discovery and relationship management. It allows you to vet influencers based on their relevance, reach, and resonance.
  • Followerwonk: Particularly useful for Twitter, Followerwonk helps you search for influencers by keywords in their bios, compare users, and analyze their followers.
  • Hootsuite: While primarily a social media management tool, Hootsuite also offers features to identify and monitor influencers by tracking social media conversations and trends.
  • Klear: Klear provides detailed influencer analytics, helping you understand an influencer's audience demographics and engagement patterns.
  • Upfluence: This software offers a comprehensive platform for finding influencers and managing influencer marketing campaigns, with robust search and analytics capabilities.
  • Sparktoro: Analyzes billions of online conversations to reveal the topics, influencers, and communities your ideal customers care about and spend time on.

How do you reach out to B2B influencers?

Reaching out to B2B influencers is crucial in building a successful influencer marketing strategy, but it's more complex than just sending a message. You need to know who to contact, how to approach them, and what to say. 

It's about making the right impression and establishing a relationship based on mutual benefit and professional respect. Remember, these influencers are experts in their field, so your approach should be thoughtful and tailored to their interests and expertise. Let's break down the process of identifying and contacting the right B2B influencers for your marketing campaign.

  • Identify the right contacts: Look for influencers who align with your brand values and have a strong presence in your industry. Use platforms like LinkedIn to find these professionals.
  • Personalized approach: Tailor your outreach to each influencer. Reference their work, mention why you think there's a good fit, and clarify your offering.
  • Professional tone: Keep your communication professional and respectful. These are business relationships, so a formal tone is often more appropriate than a casual one.
  • Clear value proposition: Explain how partnering with your brand can benefit them. This could be through professional exposure, access to exclusive content, or a mutual sharing of resources.
  • Contact through preferred channels: Some influencers prefer direct emails, while others might respond more to messages on professional networks like LinkedIn. Research their preferred contact method.
  • Follow-up respectfully: If you don't hear back, it's okay to follow up once or twice, but always respect their time and decision, whether yes or no.
  • Build a relationship first: Sometimes, it's beneficial to build rapport before asking. Engage with their content, attend webinars they host, or participate in discussions they're involved in.

What are examples of B2B influencer campaigns?

B2B influencer campaigns often revolve around content like expert discussions, in-depth guides, and real-world case studies. They aim to educate and engage a professional audience rather than just sell a product. 

Let's look at examples of successful B2B influencer campaigns to understand better how this works. These examples will help illustrate how businesses can effectively collaborate with influencers to reach and engage their target market.

  • Thought leadership webinars: Collaborating with influencers to host webinars on industry topics. For example, a software company might partner with a well-known IT consultant to discuss emerging tech trends.
  • Co-created content: Working with influencers to produce research reports, whitepapers, or e-books. This can be seen in industries like finance or healthcare, where expert insights add significant value.
  • Social media takeovers: Allowing influencers to take over a company's social media account for a day or a week to share their perspective is often used in the tech and B2B service sectors.
  • Guest blogging: Inviting influencers to contribute guest posts to a company's blog, offering their expertise on specific industry challenges or innovations.
  • Case studies and success stories: Partnering with influencers to showcase how they successfully used a product or service in a real-world scenario, often seen in the software and manufacturing industries.
  • Interview series: Conduct interviews with various influencers, which can be shared as video content, podcasts, or written Q&As, commonly used in professional services and consulting.
  • Event sponsorship and participation: Collaborating with influencers at industry events by sponsoring sessions they lead or co-presenting at workshops and panels.
  • ‘Race car driver’ sponsorship:  Like race car drivers have ‘always on’ sponsors displayed on their cars, racing suits, TV commercials, print, radio, personal appearances, etc., sponsor your influencer so that across all their community building activities, so you are the top sponsor.

What are the best practices for running B2B influencer marketing campaigns?

Running a successful B2B influencer marketing campaign isn't just about finding the right influencers; it's also about how you work with them to reach your business goals. It's a strategy game where understanding the best practices can make a huge difference. 

These practices involve clear communication, setting realistic goals, and building a partnership based on trust and mutual benefit. By following these guidelines, you can create campaigns that reach the right audience and deliver meaningful results in lead quality and business growth. 

Let’s dive into some best practices that can help you maximize the effectiveness of your B2B influencer marketing campaigns.

  • Define clear objectives: Start by setting specific, measurable goals for what you want the campaign to achieve, whether it's brand awareness, lead generation, or thought leadership.
  • Choose the right influencers: Look for influencers with a strong presence in your industry and align with your brand's values and messaging.
  • Develop a content strategy: Work with influencers to create content that resonates with your target audience, whether blog posts, webinars, or social media content.
  • Foster authentic partnerships: Build genuine relationships with influencers, valuing their input and expertise, and ensure the collaboration benefits both parties.
  • Transparent communication: Maintain open and clear communication with influencers throughout the campaign, setting expectations and discussing deliverables.
  • Leverage multiple channels: Utilize various channels such as LinkedIn, industry blogs, and email newsletters to maximize the reach and impact of the campaign.
  • Track and measure results: Use analytics tools to monitor the campaign's performance. Focus on metrics like engagement, lead quality, and conversion rates.
  • Adapt and optimize: Be ready to adapt your strategy based on feedback and performance data, continuously optimizing the campaign for better results.
  • Legal compliance and disclosure: Ensure all influencer partnerships comply with legal requirements, including clear disclosures about sponsored content.

What are B2B influencer marketing agencies?

They offer unique solutions to bridge the gap between businesses and their target professional audiences. These specialized agencies differ significantly from their B2C counterparts, focusing primarily on leveraging industry thought leaders, experts, and key opinion leaders to influence decision-makers within specific business sectors.

Whether you're a startup looking to make a mark or an established enterprise seeking to expand your reach, understanding the intricacies of these agencies will equip you with the knowledge to harness the power of influencer marketing in the B2B space.

What do B2B influencer marketing agencies do?

B2B influencer marketing agencies specialize in crafting and executing marketing strategies for their clients that utilize the influence of industry experts and thought leaders to drive a brand’s message to a more targeted, professional audience. 

Their core activities revolve around identifying and partnering with influencers with a significant presence and credibility in specific industries or niches. These agencies adeptly navigate the unique landscape of B2B marketing by creating content and campaigns that resonate with a business-oriented audience, focusing on lead generation, brand awareness, and establishing thought leadership. 

They often employ a mix of data-driven analytics, content marketing, and relationship management to ensure that the influencer collaborations are relevant and yield measurable results in terms of engagement, lead quality, and ROI. 

By bridging the gap between brands and their ideal business customers through trusted voices in the industry, B2B influencer marketing agencies play a crucial role in enhancing the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies in the business-to-business sphere.

Key services offered by B2B influencer marketing agencies:

  • Expertise in influencer matching: These agencies have expertise in identifying influencers who align well with a brand’s values, audience, and marketing goals.
  • Campaign strategy and management: They assist in strategizing, launching, and managing influencer campaigns, ensuring that they align with the overall marketing objectives of the business.
  • Relationship building and maintenance: These agencies facilitate and maintain relationships between businesses and influencers, handling negotiations, contracts, and ongoing communication.
  • Performance tracking and analysis: They provide tools and expertise to track the performance of influencer campaigns, offering insights and data-driven recommendations for optimization.
  • Customized services: Many of these agencies offer customized services based on the specific needs of a business, whether it’s a one-off campaign or a long-term influencer strategy.
  • Compliance and ethical standards: They ensure that all influencer partnerships and content adhere to legal requirements and ethical standards, including transparency and disclosure rules.
  • Industry-specific knowledge: Some agencies specialize in specific industries, providing in-depth knowledge and connections relevant to those sectors


As we wrap up our exploration of B2B influencer marketing, it's clear that this strategy holds immense potential for enhancing lead quality and driving effective demand generation in the B2B sector. The journey from understanding what B2B influencer marketing is to identifying and collaborating with the right influencers and integrating them into your marketing strategy is complex yet rewarding. 

Let's recap some key takeaways:

  • Influencer marketing is not just for B2C: B2B influencer marketing is a powerful tool focusing on expertise and credibility rather than just reach and popularity.
  • Selecting the right influencers is crucial: The success of a campaign hinges on partnering with influencers who are respected in their fields and align with your brand's values.
  • Content strategy matters: B2B influencer marketing thrives on educational and insightful content tailored to a professional audience.
  • Multi-Platform Approach: Utilizing various platforms for finding, vetting, and collaborating with influencers broadens the campaign's reach and effectiveness.
  • Building Relationships is Key: Authentic partnerships with influencers are built on mutual benefit, clear communication, and professional respect.
  • Performance Tracking and Adaptation: Using analytics tools to track campaign performance and adapting strategies based on data-driven insights ensures continual improvement.
  • Legal and Ethical Compliance: Ensuring all influencer partnerships comply with legal standards and ethical practices is vital for maintaining credibility and trust.
  • The Role of B2B Influencer Marketing Agencies: These specialized agencies can significantly streamline the process of influencer marketing, offering expertise in every step of the campaign.

As we look towards the future, B2B influencer marketing continues to evolve, promising new opportunities and challenges. By staying informed and adaptable, businesses can leverage these strategies to significantly enhance their lead quality and establish a strong presence in their respective industries. Remember, the key is to start experimenting with B2B influencer marketing and discover the unique benefits it can offer your business.

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