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B2B Influencer Marketing Strategy Examples

Post by
Abigail BloomKing
B2B Influencer Marketing Strategy Examples

For years, B2B marketing felt like a world of suit-and-tie presentations, white papers denser than textbooks, and cold calls colder than Antarctica. While those elements still exist, the rise of social media and digital communication has opened a doorway to a vibrant new landscape: B2B influencer marketing strategy.

But, is B2B influencer marketing strategy just putting a CEO in a funny hat and hoping for viral laughs? Absolutely not. In the B2B spacey trust and expertise reign supreme. Enter the industry influencer: the thought leader, the tech guru, the data wizard whose insights and opinions carry weight among decision-makers. Partnering with them is like tapping into a trusted network of potential customers, all eager to hear what their "go-to" source has to say.

So, how do you make B2B influencer marketing work for you? Let's dive into some inspiring examples showcasing the diverse ways brands leverage influencer power.

Should you use a B2B influencer agency?  Book a free consultation here to see if this option gets you to your goals.

SAP: B2B influencer live streaming for real-time engagement

Forget static webinars. SAP took its influencer game to the next level with "SAP Innovation Day." This live-streamed event featured industry experts and influencers discussing the latest tech trends, product updates, and customer success stories. 

The result? Over 120,000 viewers from 170 countries engaged in real-time Q&As and interactive polls. By harnessing the reach and credibility of influencers, SAP carved a path to connect with its audience dynamically and relevantly.

Bosch Power Tools: B2B micro-influencers on YouTube

Instead of chasing big names, Bosch zeroed in on micro-influencers – skilled tradespeople and DIY enthusiasts with dedicated YouTube channels. These micro-influencers created product tutorials, reviews, and project demonstrations, showcasing the power and versatility of Bosch tools to their targeted audiences. This approach resonated deeply with potential customers, increasing brand awareness, website traffic, and conversion rates.

GE: Instagram influencers storytelling for brand visibility

GE's "GE Reports Instagram Takeover" series saw industry influencers take over their account for a day, sharing their experiences with GE technologies in their fields. From energy engineers capturing stunning visuals of wind turbines to scientists showcasing breakthrough medical equipment, the campaign offered a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the world of innovation driven by GE. This storytelling and influencer expertise blend piqued audience interest and painted GE as a cutting-edge force in diverse industries.

Dell: Partnering with B2B influencers for podcasts

Dell recognized the power of podcasts to reach niche audiences and partnered with influential tech experts to co-host industry-specific podcasts. These podcasts tackled specific business challenges, offering practical advice and insights from trusted voices. Not only did this establish Dell as a thought leader, but it also opened doors for deeper conversations and relationship-building with potential customers.

HubSpot: Building resource center value with industry influencers

HubSpot's "The Customer Code" initiative took a unique approach. They collaborated with prominent business thinkers and authors to create a series of articles and videos for their resource center. This content, infused with the expertise of industry influencers, attracted a wider audience to HubSpot's valuable resources, building trust and establishing HubSpot as a destination for knowledge and insights.

Beyond the case studies: Key takeaways for your B2B influencer strategy

These case studies showcase the versatility of B2B influencer marketing, but what are the key takeaways for your strategy? Here are some to ponder:

  • Align with your brand and target audience: Choose influencers who resonate with your brand values and whose expertise aligns with your target customers' needs.
  • Go beyond vanity metrics: Focus on engagement, lead generation, and brand awareness over just follower numbers. Track campaign performance and measure its impact on your business goals.
  • Authenticity is key: Don't force scripted endorsements. Allow influencers to express their genuine experiences and opinions to build trust with your audience.
  • Think beyond traditional platforms: Explore platforms like LinkedIn, industry forums, and niche social media communities to reach relevant influencers.
  • Create valuable content together: Collaborate with influencers to create co-branded content that resonates with your audience and showcases your expertise.

B2B influencer marketing is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It's about building genuine partnerships with those who sway in your industry. By choosing the right influencers, crafting compelling content, and aligning your goals, you can leverage their influence to connect with decision-makers, build trust, and ultimately drive business growth. 

So, shed the old B2B marketing suit and embrace the vibrant world of influencer partnerships. The future of B2B success lies in finding your voice, aligning it with the right influencers, and amplifying your message to reach a new audience.

Additional B2B influencer marketing case studies to inspire you

  • Microsoft: Microsoft partnered with a group of tech influencers to create a series of short videos showcasing the benefits of Office 365. The videos were shared on social media and reached a wide audience of potential customers.
  • IBM: IBM partnered with a team of data scientists to create a series of blog posts and infographics on artificial intelligence. The content was shared on IBM's website and social media channels, and it helped to establish IBM as a thought leader in the AI space.
  • Adobe: Adobe partnered with a group of graphic designers and photographers to create a series of tutorials and how-to videos on using Adobe Creative Suite. The videos were shared on YouTube and reached a large audience of potential customers.

These are just a few examples of how B2B brands use influencer marketing to achieve their goals. Following the tips and case studies in this blog post, you can develop a B2B influencer marketing strategy to help you reach your target. 

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